Thursday, June 23, 2016

Islam and ISIS Islamic State or Daesh in Indigenous Latin America

Islam and ISIS Islamic State or Daesh in Indigenous Latin America 

ISIS and Muslims and Islamists must go to Mayan Chiapas in Southern Mexico bordering with Guatemala

Islamic State must take the border crossings of the Mexico-Guatetmala border in Central America.
Also, take the harbors and International Airports in Tapachula and Cancun. Turn Tuxtla Guituerrez and Merida into Raqqah and Mosul. Take the oil-rich and strategic Yucatan Peninsula, Tabasco, Campeche and Quintana Roo and Belize in the East and Guatemala to the South.
Mayans of Central Latin America love the shedding of human blood especially when they are now devout fanatical Muslims!!!
There are Maya Muslims in San Cristobal de las Casas. They need ISIS help.
Muslim Mayans will help to wage Jihad in Mexico and Central America for Isis behalf. 
Isis can Use Chiapas in Southern Mexico to plan more attacks against America, a neighbor of Mexico in the north and the far south is Panama with the Islamized Bibris, Kunas and Guaymis. Take some part of Oaxaca and Veracruz as Buffer Zones to repel the attacks against the US and Mexican Armies. 
Islam and  Islamic State ISIS in Latin America
Turn Indigenous Southern Mexico and Some Parts of Indigenous Latin America into Muslim Southern Mexico. Caliphates, Shahada, Sharia, Jihad, Jizya
Convert the MAYAN Tribes in Southern Mexico and Central America to Islam. 
Isis will build 7 more strategic bases in Latin Amrica and 4 in North America of Indigenous Muslim converts and Future Indigenous ethnic Islamic Insurgencies and rebellions like: 
1:) Eastern Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola in Caribbeans of indigenous Islamized Tainos,

2:) Colombia borders and Panama and Grand Colombia (Ecuador and Venezuela) of the Islamized indigenous Wayuus, 

3:) Brazil Borders of Islamized indigenous Guaranis, Tupis and Amazonian tribes of the Amazon Forest 

4:) Guyana, French Guinea, Suriname of Islamized indigenous Arawaks and Caribs, 

5:) Falklands, Andes and Patagonia of indigenous Patagonian tribes like the Islamized Mapuches and Tehuelches . 

6:) Also the headhunting Islamized indigenous Shuars  Ecuador 

7) Islamized Incas like the Quechua and Aymara of  and Peru and Bolivia along the Andes Mountains 

Also the Embera, Kuna, Chorotega, Miskito, and Bribri of Central America will become Muslims too


8:) The Native Americans in 1) United States in America, Eskimos, Metis and Inuits of 2) Canada and in the 3) Alaska (Bering Strait) and 4) Greenland will embrace Islam and support and join ISIS.

Just look in Minnesotta, Tennessee and Michigan in America. Ontario and St Lawrence River area in Canada
Islam in the Philippines started in 1380. The Spanish Pigs fight the Filipino Moro Muslims of Mindanao Southern Philippines since 1521. Even Americans, Filipinos and Japanese lost to them. Even Chinese want more headache.
Even the Mexican Drug Cartels like the Sinaloa and Los Zetas Drug Cartel have no defense to the Future Maya Jihadist Warriors of Southern Mexico.

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